april events and content ideas for ethical and sustainable brands

what will you be posting on social media this april for your conscious business?

As nature kicks things into high gear with the arrival of Spring, I hope your business is blooming (and booming) too!

And since I’m sure you’ve already got plenty on your entrepreneurial plate, here are some of the events coming up in April along with some social media content ideas to give your own twist to for your conscious brand:

April 1st: April Fools Day

#AprilFools #AprilFoolsDay #FossilFools

From a cute prank post to calling out greenwashing activities (#FossilFools Day), there are plenty of ways to get creative with April Fool’s Day content. 

Just be sure you stay true to your brand’s values in the process!

April 2nd: International Children’s Book Day


Highlight children’s books that do a great job of explaining or showcasing sustainability, inclusivity, diversity (check out The Conscious Kid for inspiration). Don’t forget to share your reading recommendations for other age groups on April 23rd #WorldBookDay #WorldBookDay2023.

April 7th: World Health Day


Share facts about the importance of healthcare access for a sustainable future for all, your favorite health tips or what health means to you / your team / your business.

April 8th-10th: Easter Weekend

#Easter2023 #EasterSunday #EasterMonday

Share your favorite eco-friendly Easter DIYs (food, decorations, gifts, activities…).

April 15th: World Art Day


Showcase the work of your favorite artists or their work and why it resonates with your brand’s values, or share some fun eco-friendly ways to reuse items and turn them into art.

April 21st: World Creativity And Innovation Day


Share some of your favorite eco-friendly innovations & creative solutions you’ve implemented in your own business or admire and ask your followers to share theirs.

April 22nd: International Mother Earth Day


Share resources on how each of us can #InvestInOurPlanet and why it matters, an inspiring quote about the Earth, events in your community, or your favorite earth-loving businesses & initiatives.

April is also #EarthMonth, so feel free to share a variety of eco-themed tips, facts, and resources throughout the month (and beyond!).

Need some extra inspiration? Earthday.org has prepared various toolkits including one for businesses, filled with tips!

April 22nd-29th: Fashion Revolution Week


Join the discussion around #WhatsInMyClothes #WhoMadeMyClothes & #LovedClothesLast, especially if your business is linked to the fashion industry. You could also share facts on fashion’s eco and social impact, or your favorite eco-friendly fashion tips & brands.

Check out Fashion Revolution and their social media toolkit (including graphics you can use on your own social media) for plenty of resources.

April 25th: World Penguin Day


Share facts about the impact of climate change on penguins and other animals living in arctic regions & resources on how to take climate action, individually and collectively.

April 28th: Stop Food Waste Day


Share facts about the impact of food waste around the world or in your local area. Share your favorite ways to lessen food waste (#ZeroWasteFood #StopFoodWaste #NoFoodWaste #ZeroWasteLiving #ZeroWasteLifestyle).

Here are a few additional dates of note that you could give your own twist to on social media this April:

Earth Month + Sexual Assault Awareness Month (US)
April 2nd: World Autism Awareness Day
April 3rd: World Aquatic Animal Day
April 5th: International Day of Conscience
April 5th-13th: Passover
April 6th: Asexuality Day + International Day of Sport for Development & Peace
April 7th: International Beaver Day
April 10th: Siblings Day (US)
April 15th-22nd: International Dark Skies Week
April 16th: World Voice Day
April 17th: Bat Appreciation Day
April 20th: Chinese Language Day
April 21st: Eid El-Fitr (end of Ramadan)
April 22nd: Day of Silence (for LGBTQ+ students & teachers in the US)
April 23rd: English Language Day + Spanish Language Day
April 24th-30th: World Immunization Week
April 24th: International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace
April 25th: World Malaria Day
April 26th: International Lesbian Visibility Day, International Lesbian Visibility Day, International Chernobyl Disaster Remembrance Day + World Intellectual Property Day #WIPO
April 27th: International Girls in ICT Day, World Tapir Day + International Hyena Day
April 28th: World Day for Safety and Health at Work
April 29th: International Dance Day
April 30th: International Jazz Day

If creating social media content is not your area of expertise, you want a fresh set of eyes on your socials or you simply have too many other things to focus on while running your purpose-driven business…

And as a bonus, here are my favorite links to find upcoming international and national events for my clients: